The main cause of weak potential
To fight bad potential, urologists begin to prescribe 100% natural medicine which is very cheap and very effective. After use, men stop contacting specialists forever.Read more…
What should be a potential at the age of 50 years
Recipe for folk healing to increase potential in men
People's recipes with honey

House tincture to increase potential

Aspen Bark
- Prepare 200 g of aspen skin, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist for 1 hour, take 200 ml 3 times a day.
- Connect the stew prepared according to previous instructions with a small amount of propolis. Use products three times a day, 1 tablespoon.
- Pour 200 g aspen leather 2 tablespoons. Alcohol, insisting 14 days. Use 50 ml of tincture in front of each meal.

Natural products to increase libido
- Eggis a sexual stimulant. To stimulate an erection, drink 1 raw egg before sexual intercourse.
- Crazy- Bad, cedar, hazelnut contains many important important substances - iron, calcium, iodine, zinc. All of these substances stimulate the function of the sex glands. To increase erection, you need to use 30-50 g every day. Any beans.
- Garlic- Contains rare jermanium microelement. They need to spice up food or eat 1 garlic lice per day. To get rid of the smell from the mouth, drink after drinking garlic 1 tablespoon. milk.
- Summer squash- Available and effective products to increase potential. Pumpkin dishes are not only tasty, but also healthy. Pumpkin seeds contain elements - zinc, which help in a short time to increase weak potential. Mix crushed raw seeds with 1: 1 honey, take 2 tsp. 7 times a day. Pumpkin oil restores libido. Take 2 tsp. - 3 times a day. For continuous effects, you must take 1, 5-2 months.
How do you forget the problem with slow potential forever? Unmatched quality drugs enter the market. Hundreds of positive reviews about men in 2021.READ MORE!
Onion-Green, onions, onions restore hormone background and increase potential. This can be consumed separately or added to the salad and other dishes.
- ThymeContains a lot of substances needed. It is recommended to add it to tea.
- St. John's wort- Increasing blood circulation in the bottom - pelvic organs, increasing testosterone synthesis. 2 tablespoons. l Fresh grass drinks in any flask 270 ml of boiling water. Divide into 3-4 doses and drink per day.
- Kalgan- Male roots. Eliminating swelling and inflammation of the genitals, increasing sexual desire. Plant roots are destroyed to powder. In 400 ml of water, pour 1-2 teaspoons of powder. Boil for 15 minutes under the lid closed above a little fire. Cool and strain the stew. Take 1-2 tablespoons. L, 2-3 times a day-2 months.
- Ginger- Contains a series of unique components. Regular intake contributes to the growth of testosterone in the blood and increases the sensitivity of the genital organs. Ginger can be used in any form. Fresh roots - in tea and tincture. Pickled - like a separate dish.
- GinsengIt is considered a natural pill. You can prepare tincture from it and added in the composition, or you can take it in pure form. Mill the root dry and use half a teaspoon 2-3 times every day. The preventive treatment journey is 30-35 days.
- EleuterococcusThis is considered an analog ginseng. Far Eastern Plants have a variety of therapeutic properties. Alcohol tincture is sold in pharmacies. Take in the morning and at lunch for 1 hour spoon, drifting with warm water.
- Citrus fruitThey contain lutein - this is one of the important components to improve male secret work.
- Coconut- Increase potential, increase the quantity and quality of sperm. Coconut milk is mixed with honey 2: 1 increases the sexual attractiveness of both partners.
- Date- Ancient tools to increase erections. Eat 10 pieces every day - this will increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
Dairy product
Acid -milled drinks increase the digestive tract, which, in turn, is a general reinforcement tool.
Spices - Rempah - Warehouse Use for Male Health
- celery;
- nutmeg;
- cinnamon;
- cardamom;
- vanilla.
Ginger-Afrodisiac drink

People's Methods and Solutions
- Bathing sittingIncrease blood circulation in the pelvic zone. Add stew to a convenient temperature water: chamomile, thyme or nettle.
- Bath sat down in contrastThey have an effective effect to increase potential. Take 2 pelvis. Pour hot water into one (40 degrees) into another cold (20 degrees). Sit in turn in each of each for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Destroy yourself with a dry towel.
- KontraS bathroom- Increasing blood circulation throughout the body, providing enthusiasm and energy waves, which, in turn, increase libido and help increase potential. The temperature difference must be 15-20 degrees.
- Stimulates cool bathing(25 degrees) in the perineum area gives continuous and good results to increase potential. Stimulating shower time is 2-3 minutes. The scrotum must be covered with the palm of the hand so that the flow of water does not fall on it. The procedure must be carried out every day within 15 days.
- MustardSoak in warm water, stickfootstepsFor 10 minutes - this will cause additional blood flow to the pelvic organs and thus increase potential. To increase the effect, wear socks above. And you can, for exposure speed, add 2 mustard to the sacrum area.
- Kegel exercises. The training that LC thinks increases potential, expanding ships. For prevention, this is also used for incontinence.

- Traditional bathsThis is considered optimal in terms of temperature and humidity. In it, for steam formation, splashing water with stew or infusion of healing herbs with stew or infusion of healing herbs. In the steam room, broom is used, it is recommended to increase potential - aspen. After the steam space, you need to rinse it with cold water, which will create a temperature contrast and affect libido.
- Turkish bath. Experts say: Modern Turkish baths experience significant changes not to be better. The traditions and conditions in it are far from the original Hammam, but they are also suitable for preventing erectile dysfunction.

- Massage the tailbone area, gradually, up 7-9 cm.
- Massage in solar plexus also contributes to sexual excitement.
- Also, the bioactive point is in the soles of male feet - right in the middle of the foot.
Aromatherapy to increase potential

Degrees of age -related potential disorders
- Light degrees - Small failure occurs regularly or gradually decreased potentially unnoticed potential; Spontaneous morning erection disappears, time for sexual intercourse is reduced, etc. ; Light violations are found in one third of men who have problems with potential;
- The average level - the problem grows, difficult to achieve full erection, premature ejaculation arises; Failure is accompanied by stress, which further worsen the situation; The average level developed to half of men with such pathology;
- Severe degree - lack of sex drive and total impotence; Sometimes sex drive is preserved, and erection does not exist; It developed in 20% of men.
The advantages of traditional medicine
- Recipes are based on natural ingredients that are easily obtained;
- All easy ways to prepare;
- There is no serious negative reaction;
- Along the way, with increased potential, all organisms increase, because most bioactive components have a comprehensive effect on some systems at once;
- There is no addiction.
The people's method of increasing potential can be combined without side effects. Most of them can use men for 60, which are contraindicated by many synthetic pathogens.
Green leaf

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- Pickled tomato for winter
What to do to stand for a long time

- Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland
- Psychological Factors - The presence of libido, the attractiveness of sexual partners for a man;
- Changes in functional activity of the cardiovascular system-there is an increase in blood pressure, coronary heart disease;
- Endocrine pathology - inadequacy or excess sexual hormones and others in the body;
- Age - more and more people are years old, quality erections are less long and high;
- Urogenital tract disease, a penis that affects an erection.